Do you know how much cash it takes to run your business?

Try a BOMBA class for FREE and find out!

Learn about working capital while you find out how much cash you need on hand to run your business. Take just 10 minutes for the next 5 days to complete the challenge. Win by starting 2021 with the knowledge to make better more profitable decisions!

Calculate Your Working Capital

Find out how to calculate working capital the fun and painless way in just 10 minutes a day. By the end of the five day challenge your'll know exactly how much cash you need on-hand to run your business and be an expert on working capital.

Understanding your financials doesn't have to be awful-- but not understanding your financials while running a business can be. Just sign up and set aside a few minutes each day to complete your daily lesson, and by the end the week you'll be able to easily calculate your business' working capital!

Win by Getting Started!


Sign up for the 5 Day Cash Course and download the free activity sheet. We want learning about financials to be fun and easy, so that's enough for one day. Get ready to take the same 5-10 minutes each day to come back and complete the challenge for the next five days.


Each day we will release a quick 5 minute video lesson about one section of the activity sheet. We'll explain what the numbers mean, where to find them, and how to calculate them for your business. Take the next five minutes to fill out the activity sheet using your financials.


By the end of the 5 Day Cash Course, you will have complete your working capital activity sheet and know exactly how much cash you need on-hand to run your business in 2021. Knowing how much it costs to run your business is an invaluable tool when it comes to making the most profitable decisions.

Business Owner's MBA

The 5 Day Cash Course was created by the Business Owner's MBA: a set of online courses designed to help business owner's reach their potential.

By providing business owners a practical education that is concrete and hands-on (unlike many seminars and business books that are just theoretical), BOMBA succeeds in helping entrepreneurs- not only survive, but accelerate their success. Find out more about the BOMBA community and their amazing stories.